To harvest QC fishing allocations through its wholly-owned vessel, a multi-species factory freezer vessel.
What We Do
Qikiqtaaluk Fisheries Corporation (QFC) harvests shrimp and turbot quotas from QC’s, Unaaq Fisheries Inc., and other Nunavut and southern quota holders. We are a major participant in the Canadian shellfish and groundfish industries and provide a premium cold-water seafood to national and international markets.
QFC owns and operates a 76-metre multi species factory freezer vessel, the Saputi. The Saputi operates with a 26 – 30 member crew depending on whether shrimp or turbot is being harvested.
How We Do It
At QFC we see stewardship as our corporate responsibility – it is embedded in our culture and incorporated into our day-to-day work. Stewardship of our resources, and our natural environment, to protect and sustain our Qikiqtani Region This means harvesting in a sustainable manner and working with regulatory agencies to protect our waters. This also means investing in our community’s inshore fisheries. We are committed to protecting our fishery for future generations.
Quality products
QFC is committed to quality and sustainability. We offer all-natural premium cold-water seafood to national and international markets. From the ocean to your plate, our shrimp and turbot are harvested using methods to maintain the highest quality products.
QFC offers the assurance of Canada’s standards of sanitation, hygiene and quality control. Through the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Canada has a world respected fish inspection and control system. The industry operates under stringent policies, regulations, and inspections protocols governing the harvesting through to final packaged product.
Build Inuit careers
At QFC our greatest asset is our people. We are committed to our people and our communities. QFC’s objective is to maximize Inuit employment both at sea on the Saputi, and in our corporate and divisional offices. We work to build careers for Inuit, not just jobs. We offer high-quality employment in a safe, ethical and injury-free workplace.
Norway, 1988
Fishing Gear
Twin trawl
Classed with DNV
76 m
8.12 m
Gross Tonnage
turbot: 900 tonnes
shrimp: 570 tonnes
Freezing Capacity
turbot: 35 tonnes
shrimp: 50 tonnes
Wartsila, 4080 hp, 3000kW