What We Do

NCC Investment Group Inc. (NCCIG) is 100 percent Inuit-owned by Nunasi and Nunavut’s three Regional Development Corporations. NCCIG designs, builds and leases residential, commercial and institutional buildings. We are known for our quality work, affordability and dedication to maximizing Inuit participation in all aspects of our work.

NCC Investment Group Inc. has two subsidiaries:

  • NCC Development Limited provides expertise in northern construction. We deliver quality construction of industrial, commercial and residential buildings.
  • NCC Properties Limited offers affordable, secure, and modern commercial, residential and industrial lease space. We manage properties throughout all three regions of Nunavut.




Mailing Address
1104-C Inuksugait Plaza
P.O. Box 850
Iqaluit, Nunavut
X0A 0H0

Type of company
Joint venture partnership

Year partnered

Iqaluit, Nunavut

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