History & Growth


PanArctic Communication Inc. is created

QC creates PanArctic Communication Inc., a subsidiary company to bring fast and reliable internet services to Nunavut.


Nunavut Nukkiksautiit Corporation is created

QC creates a new subsidiary company, Nunavut Nukkiksautiit Corporation, to pursue clean energy projects in collaboration with Qikiqtani communities. NNC is the first 100 percent Inuit owned clean energy developer in Nunavut.

QC acquires 100% ownership of QFC

QC acquires 100 percent ownership of Qikiqtaaluk Fisheries Corporation becoming the sole owner of the Saputi.

Aqsarniit Hotel and Conference Centre breaks ground

QC starts the construction of the 100 percent Inuit-owned Aqsarniit Hotel and Conference Centre in Iqaluit on the Inuit Owned Land.

QC celebrates 35 years

QC celebrates its 35th year of operation and 35 years of success, growth and profitability.


Achieves 81% Inuit Employment

QC has the highest share of Inuit employees of any private Nunavut employer.

New Larga Baffin Facility

The Ottawa Larga Baffin medical boarding home moves to a new larger facility to better accommodate Qikiqtani Inuit when they are on medical travel.

Inuit Owned Land lease signing

QC signs a land lease with QIA for the Inuit Owned Land in Iqaluit. The development of this parcel of land is the largest private land development initiative in Nunavut.


QC creates Qikiqtaaluk Business Development Corporation

To better serve Qikiqtani communities, QC creates QBDC subsidiary to support communities in realizing their economic and infrastructure priorities.


Qikiqtani Community Tour

QC visits each Qikiqtani community to meet with residents and community leaders to hear their needs and visions for their community.


MV Saputi retrofit

To increase the Saputi cargo capacity, the vessel is extended by 12 meters. The cargo is expanded to carry up to 900 tons of turbot and 650 tons of northern shrimp, increasing its efficiency.


QC secures bonding without external guarantees for large environmental projects

QC is the first 100 percent Inuit-owned company to secure bonding without external guarantees as prime contractor for this multi-million dollar environmental remediation contract.

QC diversifies to security and air transportation services

QC invests in two new joint ventures – QC/Scarlet Security Service Inc. and Qikiqtani First Aviation Ltd.


QC expands its operations to building supplies retail sales

QC and Nunasi Corporation purchase Frobuild Ltd. a building supply store in Iqaluit.

QC secures first contract with mining industry

Qikiqtaaluk Logistics signs its first contract with Baffinland Iron Mines for employment recruitment and road maintenance at the mine site.


Qikiqtaaluk Logistics is formed

QC forms the Qikiqtaaluk Logistics subsidiary company to lead the environmental cleanup projects.

QC is recognized for Inuit capacity building project delivery model

Harry Flaherty is awarded the Deputy Minister’s Pride and Recognition Award for Service Excellence from Indian and Northern Affaires Canada in recognition of the efforts to maximize and promote Inuit participation and career development in the Resolution Island Remediation Project. The project boasts 95 percent Inuit employment.


QC creates Qikiqtaaluk Fisheries Corporation

The majority-owned partnership, Qikiqtaaluk Fisheries Corporation, is created.

Fishing vessel Saputi is purchased

QFC purchases the MV Saputi – a 64 meter factory freezer commercial fishery vessel.


QC starts construction of the $62M Qikiqtani General Hospital

QC is the first Inuit company to partner with the Government of Nunavut under a Private-Public Partnership for the construction of the first hospital in Nunavut – the Qikiqtani General Hospital in Iqaluit.

QC expands to the IT industry

QC purchases assets of two small IT companies to form QITC.

Qikiqtaaluk Properties Inc. is created

QC forms Qikiqtaaluk Properties Inc. to manage real estate holdings.


QC enters retail sales industry

QC purchases the Baffin Gas Bar from Kakivak Association.


QC enters the environmental field

QC is awarded the $6.95 M Resolution Island remediation contract.


First property management contract

QC secures its first operation and maintenance contract for the Iqaluit airport.

Uqsuq Joint Venture is established

QC expands its operations to fuel delivery securing a contract for the operation of the Iqaluit fuel storage and distribution facility.


Unaaq Fisheries is established

QC, Makivik Corporation and the Labrador Inuit Association form Unaaq Fisheries. Each company receives 400 mt of turbot quota to fish under Unaaq.

QC expands to heavy equipment sales

A joint venture company is created with Hewitt Equipment Ltd. to enter the heavy equipment sales and services market.


First commercial building project

QC is contracted to build the “Blue Dome” in Iqaluit. The building serves as an office for the Baffin Regional Inuit Association (now QIA).


First offshore fishery license

QC is issued an Iqaluit business license to operate an offshore fishery.


Kinguk Fisheries is created

QC forms its first subsidiary company – Kinguk Fisheries. The company is granted a shrimp license.


QC is created

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) creates Qikiqtaaluk Corporation as its for-profit development arm.

QC is incorporated and forms its first Board of Directors.

QC’s primary role is to manage fishing quotas on behalf of QIA.